Francis was born at Nayarambalam, in Ernakulam District of Kerala on 12 Jan 1961 to Thummy and Thresia Arackal as their last child (6th in the family) and third of the sons. He has three sisters.
He had his primary education at St. Joseph’s school, Vadel situated in his parish church compound of St. George’s. From class 6-10 he studied at the Government High School, Narakkal, two kms away from his home. From early age he showed great interest in studies and he passed his 10th with a first class in May 1977 (only two students from four 10th class divisions got a first class in that year). He also won many prizes in essay and quiz competitions at the school and district level.
June of that year turned out to be the decisive year in his life as he heard the call of the Lord to join the Dominicans. In fact he heard the call while he was participating in an essay competition being conducted by the Kerala Catholic Youth Movement. He went first to Mount St. Dominic’s, the postulancy house of the Dominicans in Mangalore. While learning English and spirituality he attended St. Aloysius College, run by the Jesuits, for his XI and XII. He was fond of saying that these two years at the Jesuit College laid the foundation of his future life, especially as a writer and journalist. Here too he bagged a high first class, though coming from Malayalam medium and had to go straight in to English medium.
Arackal came to Nagpur in June 1979 and continued his postulancy for a year at Pratapnagar, a good seven kms away from St. Francis De Sales College, where he meanwhile joined for his B.A. Concurrently he also did his first year Philosophy at St. Charles’ Seminary.
In June 1980 the postulancy was shifted from Pratapnagar to St. Dominic’s Ashram. He did one more year of Postulancy with II B.A and II year of Philosophy. In June 1981 he was admitted to the Novitiate at St. Dominic’s Ashram, along with eight others, the biggest batch of Indian Dominican novices so far. After a year’s novitiate on 17 June 1982 he made the First Vows in the Dominican Order.
In the next year he continued with his III B.A and III yr of Philosophy, and was ready for a year of regency. Till then almost all the brothers were sent for regency to Banaras diocese. He was the first to be sent to an established Dominican House (St. Dominic’s, New Delhi) as regent. The construction of St. Dominic’s parish church and the House was completed and inaugurated on 08 August 1983, during his regency period. He completed his one year regency in May 1984 and came to St. Dominic’s Ashram to begin Theological studies at St. Charles’.
In June 1986 at the beginning of the Third year of Theology he was allowed to make his final vows and received the diaconate in December of that year. At the end of the IV year Theology in March 1988 he obtained the Batchelor of Theology with great distinction so much so even before his ordination he was already appointed a staff member at St. Charles’ Major Seminary to teach Philosophy. He was one of the 12 to be selected to appear for the BTh degree from a batch of 40. He scored the second highest marks in BTh.
On 5 May 1988 he was ordained a priest at his home parish, Vadel in the presence of his parents, brothers, sisters, friends, well-wishers and a large number of Dominican brethren. In June 1988 he joined the staff at St. Charles’ with multiple responsibilities – lecturer, dean of discipline, secretary of staff meetings, and in-charge of the choir. Simultaneously he was also given some responsibilities in the Indian Dominican Vice-Province such as Vocation promoter for Kerala, Chaplain to Dominican Laity and Rosary Confraternity. In the same year he joined for M.A in Philosophy at Nagpur University Campus as a regular student and did a three-month certificate Course in Journalism and Media studies from the Gokhale Institute of Communications at The Hitavada premises which he passed with A plus Merit.
In 1990 he obtained his M. A. in Philosophy from Nagpur University with Second Merit scoring over 70% marks. During this period he also contributed to local newspapers – The Hitavada, Nagpur Times, Lokmat Times - and other periodicals – The New Leader, The Examiner, The Herald - by means of articles and letters to the editor.
At the end of four years of teaching, in 1992, he was sent to St. Thomas University (Angelicum) Rome to do higher studies in Philosophy. He was put up at Collegio San Clemente, the Convent of Irish Dominicans in Rome. In 1994 he got the Licentiate Degree in Philosophy with Magna cum Laude (with great praise). fr. Arackal had great interest in Media and Journalism, which of course had been his first preference, if there was any choice. Taking this into account in June 1994 he was allowed to proceed to Ireland to study media and journalism. In 1995 he completed a Post-Graduate Diploma in Journalism and Media studies from Griffith College, Dublin with second honours. While he was doing his internship with an Irish weekly (The Irish Catholic) as part of the media studies, he was sent as a reporter to Portugal to cover the 750 birth anniversary of St. Anthony of Padua. His studies in Europe also took him to the U.S and many other countries.
On coming back to India in July 1995, fr. Arackal was once again appointed to teach Philosophy and Media at St. Charles’ Seminary and was made moderator for Philosophy students. He was also given the charge of the Carolian Communication Centre, Cultural Activities, Choir, Publishing and so forth. While engaged in these works, in July 1996 fr. Arackal took the initiative to begin two new entities in Nagpur – The Catholic Media Forum (CMF) and the Dominican Council of Youth (DCY). CMF proposed to bring together all Catholics who are working/interested in the media in Nagpur city. He was elected the founder President of CMF. CMF launched the annual summer (two-month’s) journalism course in collaboration with St. Francis De Sales College, Nagpur. Meanwhile fr. Arackal was appointed the editor of the Archdiocesan News Magazine ‘Messenger’. When the Archdiocese could not agree with the open, and forthright editorial policy of fr. Arackal, the Archdiocese took the editorship away from him. Later CMF started its own bi-monthly periodical ‘The Christian Times’. fr. Arackal was once again appointed its editor. He edited it for three years. CMF launched many media activities, including media education programmes for thousands of high school children in the various schools of Nagpur. CMF was instrumental in giving a voice to the Catholic community of Nagpur in the local media – print and electronic. He was instrumental in getting broadcast and telecast rights for Christian programmes both on All India Radio and Doordarshan, respectively. During the same period he also worked as the Managing Editor of the Indian Dominican Province’s International Journal Dominican Ashram.
Simultaneously he had a great enthusiasm for youth ministry. It was seen in the gradual flourishing of DCY groups in Nagpur and in various parts of India. He personally founded six DCY groups in India (See Indian Dominican Directory). In 1999 fr. Arackal along with DCY youth leaders organized the first National Convention of DCY in Nagpur. DCY also had its own newsletter DCY News with fr. Arackal as its editor. While almost in the peak of his work in Nagpur he was asked to take up the responsibility of the Dominican Parish and House (St. Dominic’s) in New Delhi. Obedience took him to Delhi in March 1999.
It was fr. Arackal’s first full-time pastoral experience. On arrival in the parish he launched various organizations and activities in order to revive the parish. He founded two groups of DCY (English and Hindi speaking), St. Vincent De Paul Conference, Women’s Desk, Small Christian Community groups, St. Dominic’s Nursery for poor children, St. Dominic’s computer center, a parish website, and a parish monthly newsletter (The Delhi Dominican). The parish website was one of the first of its kind in India then. Activities such as neighbourhood masses, Bible classes in the parish and in neighbourhood communities, social apostolate especially to the poor areas, inter-religious talks, the collective Christmas and Easter Liturgical ceremonies at Auxilium Schools grounds, activated the parish. It is a tribute to him that for three years, the Parish Council met on the third Friday of every month without fail to take decisions concerning the parish, even if he was absent from the parish due to his teaching engagements in Nagpur and Bangalore. All these, besides his bi-monthly travel to St. Charles’ Seminary Nagpur to continue to teach Philosophy and look after the media work of CMF. While in Delhi he was also elected the Joint-Secretary of Indian Catholic Press Association (ICPA) for three years. This brought on him the extra-responsibility of editing the organization’s newsletter – ICPA News. During the same period he was also animator of the Dominican community attached to the parish.
It is while he was the parish priest of St. Dominic’s Delhi that he lost his dear mother at the age of 84, in January 2000.
At the end of a three year term as Superior and Parish Priest, fr. Arackal was transferred to the Dominican Institute of Philosophy (Gyanadhara) to teach Philosophy, at Red Building, on Seminary Hills. He may be one of the first bloggers in India creating his blog in 2002. It is during his stint at Gyanadhara, that he wrote his first book of scripture reflections Thoughts for the Upper Room (344 pages), Published by Pauline Publications, Bombay. During this period he was also engaged in giving media courses, preaching retreats and carrying out the activities of ICPA. Since the blog of the time didn’t accommodate graphics, fr. Arackal began his own website: in 2004. Again, he was one of the first in India to have a personal website (among the priests the second). In March 2004 fr. Arackal was re-elected the Joint Secretary of ICPA for another three years.
In February 2005 fr. Arackal was sent to Rome to do his doctoral studies in Communication. A week prior to his departure for Rome he lost his beloved father at the age of 91. The first two years of his doctorate was done at the Jesuit-run Gregorian University. Later he enrolled himself at the Dominican University of St. Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum). In January 2007 fr. Arackal completed a Licentiate Degree in Social Sciences from St. Thomas University, the title of the dissertation being Ethical Dimensions of Investigative Reporting. And on 23 May 2008 he successfully defended his doctoral thesis – ‘Investigative Reporting in India: The Case of The Indian Express’, in the presence of Dominican brethren, Sisters, friends, and well-wishers and was awarded a PhD from the same university. During this study period too, fr. Arackal had the opportunity to visit some countries in Europe.
In June 2008 he went to the US to do post-doctoral research in media and to re-write the PhD thesis in a book form. After seven months he came back to India in February 2009.
On coming back he was appointed the Director of the Gyandhara Institute of Philosophy in Orlim, Goa. He systematically organized the Two-Year Philosophy programme of the Institute. Though he was asked to be also the superior of the house, fr. Arackal politely refused wanting to pursue only the academic side, especially in the area of Media Studies and research. In the meantime fr. Arackal taught Philosophy, and Media subjects also in Mater Dei Academy in Goa, and St. Charles’ Seminary, Nagpur. He was also the Promoter of Media and Communications for the Dominican Province of India (a post he held for 12 years under two Provincials). And he became the webmaster of the Province’s website: (, which he thought out from scratch and got it designed. It was a site uniquely Dominican in terms of the colour combinations (Black &White) and design, which has been appreciated by one and all.
The year 2010 marked an important year in the life of fr. Arackal in that he was able to publish two more books: From the Upper Room to the Altar of the World (317 pages) and The Indian Media: How Credible? (336 pages); both published by Pauline Publications, Bombay. The book on media was only the second book in India to be written on Investigative Reporting. Thus it made a great and unique contribution to media studies and research in India.
In November 2010 fr. Arackal was transferred to the Provincial House in Bengaluru. From here he updated the Province’s website, which in fact was a full-time work. In the summer of 2011 (March-May) he was back in the US to continue media research and do parish ministry at St. Ignatius’ Loyola Church in Hicksville, New York. On returning he travelled to Goa and Nagpur to teach Media, and Philosophy. In the meantime he has been contributing articles to periodicals – secular and religious - and posting his comments and views on various matters of national and religious interest on websites of news channels such as NDTV, IBN Live, on Face Book and on the website of The Times of India. In February 2012 he took another important step in web journalism by making a new blog: in order to comment and share ideas on contemporary issues. In the same month he was invited to teach Media also in Kristu Jyoti College and Visvadeep Institute in Bengaluru.
From April to July 2012 fr. Arackal visited the US for post-doctoral research and to update on media topics. On coming back fr. Arackal began an entirely new stint at St. Joseph’s Arts and Science College (SJC) teaching media to Post-Graduate students and being appointed the Head of the Department (HOD), which of course he reluctantly accepted. He founded the Josephite Media Forum (JMF) for the Mass Communication Department. JMF brought out weekly news capsules and engaged in various media activities of the college. In September-October 2013 he visited the US and traveled to Panama City to attend the World Congress of the Press.
In November (28-29) 2013 the Department under the aegis of JMF organized the first National Conference on Media in SJC on the topic ‘Media Ethics and Social Responsibility’. The Conference saw scholars from different parts of India presenting papers and the Conference was well appreciated by all. The collected papers were published as a book edited by fr. Arackal under the title Media Ethics and Social Responsibility (brought by Asian Trading Corporation, Bengaluru). The volume included papers by Justice Venkatachaliah M.N., former Chief Justice of India, who was the chief guest for the Conference and by B.G. Verghese, eminent and veteran journalist, who was the key-note speaker at the Conference. fr. Arackal handed over the charge of HOD to a Jesuit priest Dr. Richie Rego (who was known to fr. Arackal for many years) in April 2014. Again, fr. Arackal was off to the US for further equipping himself on media issues. He continued to contribute articles especially to Indian Currents and The Hindu. Also presented scientific papers in national research seminars.
In April fr. Arackal completed his three-year contract at St. Joseph’s College. Then he was off to the US for further equipping himself on media issues. On coming back he was transferred from the provincial house in Bengaluru to the Dominican House in Ashok Nagar, Mangalore. While in Ashok Nagar he received an offer from Amity University, Noida to help out with a journal of communication and later to teach. Since no accommodation was available in Noida campus he preferred the Haryana campus of the same university.
fr. Arackal joined as an Associate Professor of Journalism & Mass Communication at Amity University Haryana, on 03 July 2015. He received 1BK accommodation in the campus, which was very helpful for academic pursuits, and health. Began teaching the undergraduate and graduate students. After two years he was raised to the level of a full Professor, based on his publications – scientific papers, books - teaching ability, paper presentations at many international & national conferences and seminars. It was the highest academic designation one could get in a university. In March 2018 fr. Arackal published his 5th book titled Media and Society (Pages 360) brought out by Asian Trading Corporation, Bengaluru. Another volume edited by fr. Arackal was released at the National Research Seminar held at Calicut in October 2018. The book titled Indian Hermeneutics of Suspicion (pages 302) was published by Christian World Imprints, New Delhi. After becoming a full professor he began guiding two students for their PhD. He enjoyed the teaching and other academic activities such as research data coordinator, library coordinator for the Amity School Of Communication (ASCO).
For Christmas 2018 fr. Arackal visited Australia to be with his niece’s family. He also visited the Dominican community in Brisbane, and many other close friends. On coming back from Australia on 03 January 2019, he decided to leave Amity, after a stay of three and half years, as the extreme climate (especially cold) in the place was getting to him. Also the ideological situation was becoming a bit oppressive as the area around the university was dominated by the Hindutva forces. Hence on 25 January 2019 fr. Arackal returned to the community of his assignation – St. Dominic’s, Ashok Nagar, Mangalore. At the time of leaving Amity fr. Arackal’s research papers were being read by more than 10, 000 scholars from various countries. At St. Dominic’s, Mangalore, he helps with the pastoral needs of the parish and community. In December 2019 fr. Arackal published his 7th book (the fourth on media) titled Media Omnipresence (pages 262). On 6 July 2020 fr. Arackal was transferred to the Provincial House in Bangalore. At the Provincial House he is available to attend to the pastoral needs of various religious houses and parishes besides collaborating with the Archdiocese of Bangalore in producing YouTube videos on Marian devotion. The collaboration with the Archdiocese discontinued in March 2022. He also had a stint of teaching (two semesters) at St. Peter’s Pontifical Institute and Seminary, Malleshwaram. He taught Journalism & Media Ethics and Metaphysics to the Philosophy students and Media Ethics and Thomism to the Philosophy Licentiate Students. Meanwhile he was working on his next book (8th) which explores the relationship between Philosophy and Psychology. In April-May, 2022 he went to Australia in connection with this book. On return he finalized the manuscript of the book during the month of June and handed it over to the Omega Publishers, based in Bangalore. On 1 October 2022, the book titled ‘Psychology: The Apple of Temptation’ was published (Pages 163). In July-August, 2022, he travelled to the US for some research connected to writing a paper on ‘The Use of Media in Education, with Special Reference to Covid 19’ to be presented at the 45th annual research seminar being held in Morning Star Seminary, Kolkata. In September the paper was ready and it was presented during the Seminar (Oct 14-16, 2022). He presented a paper titled ‘Media and Inter-religious Dialogue’ at the Conference on Dialogue & Solidarity held at Dharmaram Vidya Kshetram, November 24-27, 2022. He wrote another paper in the same period titled 'Covid Experience and Media' to be published in a special volume being brought out by ACPI in October 2023.
In November 2023 his 9th book titled 'From News to Goodnews: Word of God @ Daily Life' was published. In August 2024 fr. Arackal travelled to the US for research, meetings on Religious Freedom in India, and personal visits. While in Washington for 17 days he wrote a paper on 'A Metaphysic of Hope: Readings in Gabriel Marcel' which was presented at a research seminar held at St. Joseph's Seminary, Mangalore in October 2024. During the research seminar fr. Arackal's paper on 'Artificial Intelligence and the New World Order' was published in a volume on Artificial Intelligence brought out by ACPI.
In fact, fr. Arackal’s research papers available at, Google Scholar (, and are being read by more than 100, 000 scholars from 93 countries. Recently he undertook to revamp his personal website (, which involved much precision work, a site that has been in existence from 2004.
At present fr. Arackal is engaged in pastoral ministry, research, writing, proof reading for a publisher, and editing some manuscripts meant for publication.
Roshan J. Arackal